
Because many journalists that cover Israel simply can not travel to the country as often as they would like, we will bring Israel to them with our on location Press Briefings.

Our Press Briefings will bring prominent Israeli thought leaders, social and political commentators and other experts to meet with top journalists and media members around the country.

Our Press Briefings will take place in some of America’s biggest cities including New York, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco and Miami, and we also plan to hold events in other major metropolitan areas around the country.

Press Briefings offer media the opportunity to dig deeper into issues, to engage, interact and ask questions to gain insight and analysis that you just can’t get from a short phone call or interview.

As we understand that not everyone can always attend Press Briefings in person, we will also offer events virtually where journalists can interact with experts and leaders via Zoom.

Click here to see our latest Briefings and other events.